How to Fillet a Dove Breast – 5 Easy Steps
admin2022-08-28T14:09:04+00:00August 28th, 2022|Hunting|
Hog Hunting with Dogs – Part I
admin2018-12-29T21:06:45+00:00November 29th, 2018|Hunting|
Feral [...]
Hog [...]
Click [...]
Feral [...]
BOOM! Deer Down! Congrats! Ready [...]
As the end [...]
I really like your website and cool stories of the dogs and the hunt. One thing you mentioned though that threw me into a tail spin was the mention of banana spiders and their webs. I can deal with gnats, flies, mosquitos, even snakes, but Ill hang up my boots if there’s any mention of spiders…I couldn’t do it. I’d wait on the truck lol. Also, aren’t banana spiders big and venomous ? Stay safe out there!
Thanks for read! Banana spiders are only slightly venoumous. Usually not enough to harm a full size adult. Somewhere in the bee-sting range. There just more intimidating to look at. Especially when you blindly walk through their strong webbing.