Every year I plant cucumbers and never really get a whole lot for my efforts, so pickle making is never really an option. However this season Adam’s GOE cucumber plants runneth over with bounty, so let the pickling commence. Here’s how I did it.
I grew Straight Eight Cucumbers this year. They are a great variety for home gardens. High yield (usually) and only take around 65 days to reach maturity. These are what I have, so these are what I used. Want a different variety? There are smaller varieties of cucumbers if you prefer a more small, snackable-sized pickle.
Chips or Spears?
I did both just for a variety. I sliced my pickle chips extra thick to hold up to the canning process at the end. A mandolin slicer works great here. Don’t have one? Gotcha covered here. Meanwhile, brush up on those knife skills, and don’t cut your finger off.
Onions. Red & Sweet Vidalia. The sweetness of the Vidalia onion will make a sweeter end pickle. The red onion adds color.
Disclosure: Adam’s Garden of Eatin’ participates in affiliate marketing programs. There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.
S.W.A.G = Scientific Wild Ass Guess
That’s how I measured my spices.
Here is what went into my vinegar mixture;
You can adjust the sugar content to your sweetness preference.
Stir. Bring everything to a rolling boil for 15-20 minutes. Strain out the Bay Leaves.

How many? Depends on how many cucumbers you have. I had a lot, so I needed a whole 12-pack of 32qt. wide mouth mason jars.
What kind? Wide Mouth. Easier to stuff. Easier to fill. Easier to eat when opened.

Clean and sanitize your jars. Dishwasher or soap and water.
In each jar goes:
1 tbsp of pickling and canning salt
SWAG’d measured bread & butter pickling mixture
2-3 whole cloves of garlic. Smashed.
Alternate layer of pickles and onions until all jars are filled.
More SWAG’d black peppercorns

Slowly pour the hot vinegar mixture into each jar. Leave 1” headspace. Wipe down jar lids. This removes anything that could mess with the seal.
In another pan, bring water to a boil and sanitize your rings and lids. Place 1 lid and 1 ring on each jar. Hand tighten.
Warning: they’ll be hot. Use your jar tongs that come with the canning kit you’re going to need.
Place jarred pickles on a canning rack and process in a water bath for 15 min. Remove, let cool and wait for the ping.
Crack the seal open, share and enjoy. Refrigerate after opening
I love pickles! I have pickled my onions but not cucumbers yet. I love eating them with a burger. This recipe looks easy to follow. I will give it a try.
Love canning and pickles. These sound great.