“Dig for Victory”. “Every War Garden is a Peace Plant”. “Sow the Seeds of Victory”. “Uncle Sam says, ‘Garden to Cut Food Costs”

These are some of the poster slogans that were used by the Federal Government, to promote the Victory Garden. During World War II,
food was rationed to all American citizens so we could serve the needs overseas.

To ease the burden on the food supply chain, the Government encouraged all Americans to grow their own garden. At their peak success, the victory gardens produced 40% of all the fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in the U.S.

Can you imagine the positive impacts that would have on this country if we did that today?

Disclosure: Adam’s Garden of Eatin’ participates in affiliate marketing programs. There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.

Want to win the War? 

Grow a garden.

Want to supply your own food?

Grow a garden.

Need a morale booster? 

Grow a garden.

Want to be a better American? 

Grow a garden.

Quarantine has the whole nation on an extended “time-out”. You can’t go anywhere or do anything that involves socializing with people. We aren’t currently in an all-out world war, but circumstances have changed slightly. I mean, the enemy doesn’t have tanks or guns and when was the last time you saw the government promoting self-reliance? The same questions can still be applied to our current situation.

Want to beat this virus? 

Stay home and grow a garden. Can’t spread anything if you stay home.

Want to relieve some pressure on the food chain?

Grow a garden. With all the food waste going on because of closed restaurants, bringing your food closer to home seems like a wise choice. I cringe at seeing a field full of produce just left to rot.

Need some exercise?

Grow a garden.

Let’s be honest, we probably all need this before quarantine, lock-down has got a lot of people eating more and moving even less. More food, minus exercise equals more weight gain. Don’t be an addition to the obesity rate in the country. Go break a sweat.

Need a release from cabin fever?

Grow a Garden.

You can only watch so much Netflix and stare at the same walls for so long. Go outside and get some sunshine.

It’ll do you a world of good.

Increased Patience.

You can’t speed up growing produce. Sure you can add fertilizers and all types of mixes to give your plants more of a boost. Heck I do. But you still can’t rush along a growing tomato or melon. A vegetable that takes 5 months the grow can’t be grown in 5 weeks. If it can, don’t eat it.

Want to increase your attention span?

For most gardeners, the amount of harvest bounty usually coincides with the amount of attention given to the growing process. Sure you can just throw some seeds out and hope for the best. I’ve seen people succeed by doing this. But usually, you increase your chances by just paying attention. Soil to dry? Bugs on your leaves? Varmints digging holes in your soil? Can’t notice or do anything about it unless you’re paying attention.

Still want to be a better American?

Grow a Garden.  ‘Murrica! Nuff said.

“But I don’t have space to grow a garden.”

Granted. Not everyone has a nice sunny backyard to grow everything all the time. But the Victory garden doesn’t have to be a big bountiful produce garden.
Try growing something simple at first to try it out. Maybe herbs on a sunny window ledge? Or maybe a tomato plant container on a sunny stoop? Beans are very easy to grow if you provide some type of support system.

Victory gardens don’t even have to be edible produce. Modern technology has put the honey bee in danger. That’s bad if you eat food. No bees equal no food. Period. That’s how nature works. You need the pollinators to pollinate. Turn a victory garden into a victory flower garden. Take up the battle to keep the honey bee off the endangered species list. Along with beautiful-looking flowers to display, you would be supporting all the pollinators around the area.
I grow flowers in my garden just for this reason.

Whatever you want to grow and however big you want to grow it. Just grow. We all have a lot of spare time on our hands these days, so why not pick up a new hobby? Get your hands in the dirt and start a victory garden today.

Post a pic of your victory garden!