I like to cook good food. To each their own what your definition of “good” is, but I like to equate good with honesty. I like to try and come by my food honestly. That means I prefer to hunt wild game, grow my own vegetables, AND forage whenever the opportunity presents itself. And I’m not even talking about climbing mountains or crawling through thick swamps to find wild edibles. That next opportunity could be on your next family hike, a camping trip, or even right out your front door. Literally.

This spring, an opportunity presented itself in an unlikely spot. My front yard. We have had a record amount of rain so far this year and the ground has stayed pretty saturated. That has made for the incredible growth of wild onions around my house. I usually do my vegetable garden in the backyard, but I’m not one to pass on an opportunity and I don’t take myself seriously enough not to forage in my front yard, carpe de onions!

Disclosure: Adam’s Garden of Eatin’ participates in affiliate marketing programs. There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.

Here is a helpful tip. To extend the life of your green onions. Wash your onions thoroughly, and dry them well. I like to use a salad spinner to dry my onions. Take your dried green onions and wrap them in a damp paper towel. Fold the ends of the paper towel to make a packet. Take your paper towel packets and place them in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. I found that it extends the shelf life by a couple of weeks.

So as I was working on this particular blog, I had a fridge full of fresh green onions. Just ready to be put to cooking recipes. However, a tornado decided to tear through my neighborhood and left everyone without power for a week. So all those fresh onions…yeah… right into the garbage. Along with everything else in my fridge. I did manage to rescue my small onions that were in my freezer thanks to a Good Samaritan, so I will update this when I put them to use.